About DavidWalks

Why Walk with Friends

Friends challenge me. They understand where I am going – to a degree. A good friend sees where the next crossroad is, and probably knows if I will go left, right, or straight ahead. But no matter how good a friend is, your walk will be your walk. The route, the conversation, the ideas, the traffic, the car horns – its all building something on our own ways to where we respectively are going.

New Friends

More business and life meetings should happen when walking. Who I am looking to walk with: tech people, San Franciscans, artists, entrepreneurs, creators, people that walk where I walk.

Why Record?

The lost conversation. Too often, conversations are lost. Our minds absorb everything – I mean bits of everything – and retain a translated bit of everything. That ‘translation’ is interpretation of memory and articulation. And it’s beautiful. But it’s not what happened. What happened is raw, pure and uncut. From the incomplete sentence to the mispronunciations eureka moment – it’s the real-time-ness that can not be replicated tomorrow. But I am going to come close.

Shoot the Shit

First I need inspiration… Friends and motor skills. It’s the sounding board, the next idea, and the exercising of my motor skill.

When walking we see the opportunities for what could be around the next corner.


They changed the way we walk. Looking for fastest route? Google Maps. Looking for great food in a new place? Yelp. But what if you’re looking to remember your great ideas while walking? When walking, smartphones can be our guide AND our documenter.

Which Way to Walk